आओ आत्मनिर्भर बने...


Swavlamban Yojana’s work is made possible with the help of generous Maheshwari like you! Your generous donations will create opportunities and empower our community youths with the skills and competencies they need to succeed and improve their lives, their families' lives and society as a whole.

Join us to secure a vibrant future for our coming generations!
Step 1
Open SBI Link

Tick the checkbox

Step 2
Open SBI Link

Click Proceed

Step 3
Select State


Step 4
Select type of Corporate / Institution

Charitable Institutions

Step 5
Select Charitable Intuitions

Maheshwari Vidya Prachark Mandal

Step 6
Select Payment Category

Donation Swavlamban

Step 7
Purpose of Donation - Swavlamban Donation

Donor fills in all the necessary details.

Step 8
Process to online payment Various types

Net banking/Debit Card etc.

Step 9

You make payment